Less burnout.
Less harm.
More impact.


Less burnout.
Less harm.
More impact.
Hello heart-centred coach, counsellor, teacher, facilitator, leader, change-maker, volunteer…

Do you have a vision of a more empowered, connected, compassionate world?

Are you feeling:

  • exhausted or overwhelmed trying to create it?
  • worried your effectiveness is being compromised by stress or lack of resource?
  • frustrated with your current effort to impact ratio?

I see you. I hear you. I’ve been you… And I can help.

Discover the power of heart-centred polyvagal-informed facilitation.

Whether you offer 1-1 or group sessions, classes, meetings or gatherings, the simple yet effective tools and architecture I have developed will help you feel more well-resourced, empowered and inspired as you interact with the world and create the impact you long for!

  • feel more confident creating (and maintaining) warm, engaging, trauma-aware spaces
  • learn skills and structures that support you in having deep meaningful impact
  • feel well rested, self-regulated and resourced rather than rushed, rattled and run-down

Start with some inspiration and free resources.

Discover the power of heart-centred polyvagal-informed facilitation.

Whether you offer 1-1 or group sessions, classes, meetings or gatherings, the simple yet effective tools and architecture I have developed will help you feel more well-resourced, empowered and inspired as you interact with the world and create the impact you long for!

  • feel more confident creating (and maintaining) warm, engaging, trauma-aware spaces
  • learn skills and structures that support you in having deep meaningful impact
  • feel well rested, self-regulated and resourced rather than rushed, rattled and run-down

Start with some inspiration and free resources.

What is facilitation?

A way of supporting social interaction (with ourselves, others and the world around us).

What is heart•space?

A model of facilitation for building and maintaining healthy, inspiring spaces for heart-centred trauma-aware social interaction, including meetings, classes, 1-1 sessions, events and groups.

Why architecture?

A structured (and yet flexible!) approach to facilitation supports both those holding the space and those in it, just as a strong foundation supports the walls and roof that give us shelter. When the architecture is heart-centred and trauma-aware, the space inside naturally welcomes insight, creativity, growth, safety and connection, while significantly reducing the risk of facilitator burnout.

What is facilitation?

A way of supporting social interaction (with ourselves, others and the world around us).

What is heart•space?

A model of facilitation for building and maintaining healthy, inspiring spaces for heart-centred trauma-aware social interaction, including meetings, classes, 1-1 sessions, events and groups.

Why architecture?

A structured (and yet flexible!) approach to facilitation supports both those holding the space and those in it, just as a strong foundation supports the walls and roof that give us shelter. When the architecture is heart-centred and trauma-aware, the space inside naturally welcomes insight, creativity, growth, safety and connection, while significantly reducing the risk of facilitator burnout.


feeling able to be authentic and vulnerable


seeing and hearing, being seen and heard


moving between states of stress and calm

Whether you choose
when we work together, you will:

  • learn practices and architecture for creating (and maintaining) healthy and impactful trauma-aware heart•spaces
  • become aware of common barriers to effective facilitation (including low resource, dysregulation and reactivity), and how to overcome them
  • discover powerful pathways to connection (such as welcoming, presence, openness, attention, boundaries and empathy) and how to use them effectively
  • be able to apply the guiding principles of heart•space in multiple settings including meetings, classes, 1-1 sessions, events and groups
  • explore practical tools to help you stay motivated, regulated, nourished and inspired along the way
  • receive detailed blueprints for building the heart•spaces you need

You will also discover:

  • how to work with the natural states of the body and nervous system, rather than against them
  • how to befriend emotions and leverage the energy of their resource rather than feeling drained or pushed around by them
  • how to reframe your sensitivity and empathy as superpowers rather than something to minimize or hide


  • two custom 9-week group facilitation training programs for an organization offering peer support groups
  • ongoing facilitation coaching for the management team of a community service organization
  • redesign of weekly staff check-ins for a community empowerment organization
  • full-day professional development session for staff of an education centre
  • an interactive webinar on building aware and welcoming classes for yoga and meditation teachers
  • design and delivery of a series of heart-centred facilitation workshops for a peer support organization
  • an interactive presentation on creating safer spaces in community for university psychology students
Less burnout.
Less harm.
More meaningful impact.

I help heart-centred organizations, businesses, coaches, counsellors, facilitators, teachers and leaders build healthy, engaging, trauma-aware spaces.

Interested in how I can support you?


Less burnout.
Less harm.
More meaningful impact.

I help heart-centred organizations, businesses, coaches, counsellors, facilitators, teachers and leaders build healthy, engaging, trauma-aware spaces.

Interested in how I can support you?