article: benefits of kirtan

Sean Johnson writes, “I believe that the sonic practices of yoga {kirtan} can help us to be better listeners both to our own intuition as well as each other, help us to communicate with more clarity, truth, and compassion. Tuning the heart means developing a resonance and sensitivity to our intuition and the wider Universe….

how open is your heart?

 … Spiritual growth comes from being Brave enough to open your Heart Robin Lee writes, “The heart has its own intelligence, its own methods for exploration and teaching. It is at once its own entity, and an integrated leader with the other systems of the body and energy. Those who are tapped most fully into…

welcome to *heart wide open*

*heart wide open* is a mindfulness and spiritual vitality project based in Wolfville Nova Scotia. Currently, there are three main offerings — weekly practice, incorporating gentle yoga, kirtan (meditative singing), and reflective writing/meditation/listening; monthly kirtan evenings; and silent meditation hikes/camping trips. The intention of *heart wide open* is to cultivate compassion, connection, insight and transformation…