article: which meditation style suits you?

Finding Your Favorite Meditation Practice Cassie Shortsleeve writes, “At times, meditation seems like a practice for someone else. While the benefits are clear — research has shown that monks who meditate for thousands of hours alter the structure of their brains and significantly decrease emotionally reactive behavior — it’s easy to think: “How nice for them, but…

article: a loving-kindness meditation to cultivate resilience

A 20-minute loving-kindness practice to help us extend compassion to ourselves, those around us, and the larger world. Mark Bertin writes, “In this compassion practice, there’s no aim to force anything to happen. You cannot will yourself into particular feelings toward yourself or anyone else. Rather, the practice is simply to remind yourself that you…

quote: practice

A practice is a habit we have chosen. It is something we have agreed to make a regular feature of our life. Habits develop momentum because the more we repeat them, the more ingrained they become. There are many practices that can support our intention to act for our world. Whether it be meditating, spending…