quote: awakening the heart
When we answer the call of our own heart, we help awaken the heart of the world. — Marianne Williamson
When we answer the call of our own heart, we help awaken the heart of the world. — Marianne Williamson
A practice is a habit we have chosen. It is something we have agreed to make a regular feature of our life. Habits develop momentum because the more we repeat them, the more ingrained they become. There are many practices that can support our intention to act for our world. Whether it be meditating, spending…
In forgiving ourselves, we open the door to forgiving others, and in forgiveness, we create the possibility for widespread social change. The very idea of forgiveness always implies that change is possible. — Jeremy Adam Smith
SCHUMACHER COLLEGE explores what it means to be Indigenous in this short video, “BECOMING INDIGENOUS“.
You can’t be an activist and a pessimist, as a pessimist gives up. A true spiritual activist is an optimist. The world is sustained and saved by love. There is no other way to save the world. — Satish Kumar
Omid Safi writes, “I saw a dear friend a few days ago. I stopped by to ask her how she was doing, how her family was. She looked up, voice lowered, and just whimpered: “I’m so busy… I am so busy… have so much going on.” Almost immediately after, I ran into another friend and…
Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. BEGIN IT NOW. — Goethe
Linda Joy Rose writes, “Developing mindful reverence is to become actively engaged with the focus of one’s attention, be it a person, place or phase, with an abiding appreciation and understanding that nothing is permanent; it’s a way to imprint mind, body and spirit with gratitude and acknowledgment for what exists in the moment and…
CHARLES EISENSTEIN, author and speaker, on the theme of “Separation vs Interbeing“.
Balancing your Energetic Bank Account Chip Richards writes, “Almost every culture has a word for the unseen energy that breathes life into form. Chinese culture calls this energy qì (or ch’i), Japanese call it ki. What is referred to as prana by Indians, is mana to Hawaiians, lüng in Tibetan Buddhism, ruah in Hebrew and…
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