Balancing your Energetic Bank Account

Chip Richards writes, “Almost every culture has a word for the unseen energy that breathes life into form. Chinese culture calls this energy (or ch’i), Japanese call it ki. What is referred to as prana by Indians, is mana to Hawaiians, lüng in Tibetan Buddhism, ruah in Hebrew and pneuma to the ancient Greeks. Literally translated, qi means “breath”, “air”, or “gas”. In many schools of movement and healing arts, these words essentially refer to our “life force” – the flow of energy in our body and our being.

Each day we weave ourselves into rhythms of actions, interactions, relationships, habits, thoughts and feelings that have varying degrees of impact on our overall energy or life force. While we have an amazing industry of wellness professions devoted to healing and re-balancing the energy that often gets overtaxed in our modern fast-paced life, we don’t often take time to simply look at where our energy is going on a daily basis and how it balances itself in our life. Our to-do lists pull us rapidly into each day and we can go weeks, months or even years without ever asking ourselves which aspects, areas and relationships in our life are currently giving us energy, which areas are currently taking our energy away… and why?”